Lafayette Commemoration

Commemorate the bicentennial of le Marquis de Lafayette's visit to Cincinnati.

On May 19 there is a costume ball at the Masonic Center located downtown.  The cost is $100 per ticket which includes dinner and dancing to live music. Period costume is suggested but not required. Indicate that you want to sit at the Alliance Française table.

On May 20, you can register to attend our Fanny Wright event at Spring Grove.

RSVP at:

More information on this OUTSTANDING event can be found here.

Start date/time
5/19/25 11:00 am
End date/time
5/20/25 2:00 pm
Roebling Bridge or Public Landing
Free for the commemoration, the tribute and reception. Costume ball & Dinner: $100

Opening hours

Our office is open Monday to Friday, by appointment only.

Call us on:
to make an appointment.

The Alliance Française de Cincinnati is a non-profit 501(c)(3) institution.

©2023 Alliance Française de Cincinnati | All Rights Reserved

illustrations by fanny Plaisance
