Holly Cassidy was born in Colorado and grew up in South Dakota and Arizona. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Finance from University of Connecticut in 2000, she moved to Cincinnati for a role at GE Aircraft Engines. It was with GE that she was relocated to France with her husband and children, where she began her long and continuing journey to learn French. After 5 years in Paris, she returned to Cincinnati, where she felt a deep longing for toutes les choses françaises. She was delighted to become connected with Alliance Francaise, where she has been taking classes since 2016. In addition to being a numbers-cruncher, Holly’s claim to fame is that she has been in all 50 of the United States, and has visited dozens of other countries. Nevertheless, her travel bucket list remains long.
Clayton is a Data Scientist at 84.51, a Cincinnati-based company specializing in data analytics. Clayton owned a BS in Mathematics from Centre College in 2021, and an MS in Industrial Engineering University of Louisville in 2023. He was named Southern Atlantic Association Defensive Player of the Year in 2021. Clayton spent a semester abroad, in Strasbourg.
Anais is a Senior Research Analyst at Nielsen, in charge of the Twitter account. Her father moved from France to the United States in the 90’s. She graduated from Centre College in 2020, and presided the French Society. Anais studied abroad in Strasbourg, and is eager to reconnect to her French roots.
Jude has been an Alliance Française member for the past eight years. She studied French in college and spent 10 days hiking in Provence 5 years ago. She frequently attended Alliance events and has been a Bastille Day regular. She has extensive Board experience and knowledge of working with youth and arts programs.