illustration of adult classes

Upper intermediate classes (B2)

Choose this level, if you can ...

  • understand and talk about matters encountered in your daily life, at work, school, leisure, etc;
  • deal with most situations when travelling in a French-speaking region;
  • write simple on topics you are familiar with;
  • describe your experiences, your projects, your opinions,...
Choose a class below

Book Discussion and Analysis - Mal

This is a book reading class, about Chase Cormier's latest novel, "Mal". The class is made of ten 60-minute sessions, for a total of 10 hours of classes. The class will be offered in person and on Zoom.


Conversation class Thursday

Welcome to the Conversation class. Classes are taking place at our office, once a week on Thursdays, for 10 weeks. Each class lasts 60 minutes. Get more information, and register for the class using the button below.


Conversation class Friday

Welcome to the Conversation class. Classes are taking place at our office (online is also a possibility), once a week on Fridays, for 10 weeks. Each class lasts 60 minutes. Get more information, and register for the class using the button below.


Opening hours

Our office is open Monday to Friday, by appointment only.

Call us on:
to make an appointment.

The Alliance Française de Cincinnati is a non-profit 501(c)(3) institution.

©2023 Alliance Française de Cincinnati | All Rights Reserved

illustrations by fanny Plaisance
