illustration of adult classes


Advanced Beginners level classes are designed for students who are able to ask and answer questions in French such as where you live, what you do, describe yourself and people you know, and things you own…

The Advanced Beginner A2 level is comprised of eight 15-hour modules, for a total of 120 hours. The book used is Totem 2.

Select this level if you can ...

  • understand isolated phrases and common expressions that relate to areas of high personal relevance (like personal or family information, shopping, immediate environment, work).  
  • communicate during easy or habitual tasks requiring a basic and direct information exchange on family subjects.  
  • use simple words, can describe his or her surroundings and communicate immediate needs.
Choose a class below

Advanced Beginner A2.4

Welcome to Advanced Beginner Level 4. Classes are taking place online (in person is also an option) once a week on Wednesday, for 10 weeks. Each class lasts 90 minutes. Get more information, and register for the class using the button below.


Opening hours

Our office is open Monday to Friday, by appointment only.

Call us on:
to make an appointment.

The Alliance Française de Cincinnati is a non-profit 501(c)(3) institution.

©2023 Alliance Française de Cincinnati | All Rights Reserved

illustrations by fanny Plaisance
